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916 Hickory St., Hollidaysburg PA 16648
Office hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Our mission: Inviting people to love one another.
Our vision: All creation living in harmony with Christ.
Recent Posts

Stewardship is important in these uncertain times
March 31, 2020 “For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one...
FFCRA information from the Insurance Board
This afternoon Mrs. Heather Kimmel, General Council for the UCC held a webcast on the Family First Coronavirus Relieve Act (FFCRA). Mrs....
Covid-19 Updated Relief Summary from the ELCA
This document is the updated information from the ELCA on Covid-19 relief for individuals and congregations. Continue to check back here...
A message from Presiding Bishop Eaton on Covid-19 resources
Dear church, The last couple of weeks have been trying ones for everyone across this church. Our synods, congregations and ministries are...
PA Council of Churches resources for Covid-19
Friends, Today, the Pennsylvania Council of Churches released A Pastoral Statement at a Time of Global Pandemic. Please feel free to...
Bishop issues statement regarding suspension of in-person worship
Friends, Recently we announced the suspension of in-person services and in-person meetings in the Allegheny Synod through April 6, 2020....
Synod Attorney issues statement regarding closures
Colleagues, I have asked our Synod Attorney, Mrs. Megan Will, to write to us about the importance of following this shutdown. I am...
Governor issues more closures.
March 19, 2020. 6:38pm We just received word that Governor Wolf has called for the closing of all non-life sustaining businesses...
Allegheny Synod Women's Organization cancels upcoming convention
Due to the restrictions in place due to the Covis-19 virus outbreak, the Allegheny Synod Women's Organization board has canceled the...
Suspension of worship during Covid-19 outbreak
As you know Governor Wolf ordered that as of midnight on Monday (Tuesday morning) all non-essential businesses in Pennsylvania need to...
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