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916 Hickory St., Hollidaysburg PA 16648
Office hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Our mission: Inviting people to love one another.
Our vision: All creation living in harmony with Christ.
Recent Posts

Moving into the Green Phase
As you know Pennsylvania is moving toward the ‘Green Phase’ of re-opening. Centre and Clearfield counties moved into green this past...
Bishop Rhyne's message concerning budgetary shortfalls
Message on Financial Situation during Covid-19 Allegheny Synod, ELCA For the last several weeks the finance committee of the Allegheny...
Online Worship Opportunities in our Synod
Salisbury Lutheran Parish Liturgy of the Word (via Google Meet) Sunday @ 10:30am Connect via Phone: + 1 956-752-6696 PIN: 708 350...
Re-opening information
On May 8th the first round of reopening Pennsylvania will begin. In the Allegheny Synod, this move from the “Red Phase” to the “Yellow...
Tracking online attendance
The ELCA Office of the Secretary has provided this document on how to count and track attendance for online worship during the time of...

Bishop addresses possible reopening
May the peace of the risen Christ be with you all! As we begin to hear about plans to re-open businesses in Pennsylvania, we’ve compiled...
Bishop addresses virtual communion
Communion in the time of Covid-19 Bishop Michael L. Rhyne, Allegheny Synod, ELCA This message addresses the issue of ‘virtual communion’....
Stewardship in the time of Covid-19
Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no...
A Message from the Allegheny Synod Staff
Alleluia, Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia! Grace to you and peace from the risen Christ! Saint Teresa of Avila said,...
Allegheny Synod has a new start!
Dear Allegheny Synod congregations and Rostered Ministers, I am thrilled to announce that our synod has its first new start (church...
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