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Online Worship Opportunities in our Synod

Salisbury Lutheran Parish

Liturgy of the Word (via Google Meet)

Sunday @ 10:30am

Connect via Phone: + 1 956-752-6696 PIN: 708 350 361#

Faith Lutheran Church, Somerset is posting a virtual liturgy on its Facebook Page - Faith Lutheran Church (Somerset, PA). It becomes available Sunday morning for viewing. In-person worship begins at 9:00 am

Under “About Us” there is a “Links” tab which lists Faith’s FaceBook page. When you click on that you are taken directly to Faith’s FaceBook page without having to have a FaceBook account. Direct link:

St. James Lutheran Church, Huntingdon

Worship at 9:30am. It is pre-recorded on YouTube

Friedens Lutheran, Friedens, PA

Live stream on Facebook on Sunday at 10:30 am.

Tuesday Bible Study, live streamed every Tuesday at 2:00 pm

Women’s Bible Study via Zoom on Thursday’s at 7:00 pm.

Trinity Lutheran, Johnstown, PA

Services are at 9:00 am on Sunday on Facebook

St. John Lutheran Church, Bellefonte

Every Wednesday at 6:30 pm - Holden Evening Prayer service on Facebook Live (on the church’s Facebook page [St John Lutheran Bellefonte PA] - videos of the service are posted to the page immediately following.

Every Sunday at 9:30 am - Service of Word and Prayer on Facebook Live (on our church’s Facebook page [St John Lutheran Bellefonte PA].

St. Mark, Pleasant Gap

Word and Prayer Worship: Sunday 9:30 am via Zoom AND Facebook Live

Midday Meditation: Wednesday at Noon on Facebook Live

Sunday Review Bible Discussion: Wednesday at 6 pm via Zoom

Evening Prayer: Wednesday at 7 pm on Facebook Live

Information can be found at or by e-mailing

St. Luke Centre Hall

Regular worship videos are posted on Sunday mornings on their YouTube Channel:

St. Luke Lutheran Church Centre Hall, PA, the link to the channel is:

Grace Lutheran Church, Johnstown

Worship services available on Grace’s Facebook page and Grace’s website, Services are posted each Saturday evening and available for a week or so.

Gatesburg and Pine Hall Lutheran Churches

Pre-recorded service posted every Sunday morning by 11:00 am on their Facebook pages.

Trinity Lutheran Church, Somerset

Christ Lutheran Church, Claysburg

Holy Shepherd Parish

Shepherd of the Hill, Karthaus and Holy Trinity, Lanse

Services can be found on Facebook at 9:00 am: or and at

St. Paul, Pine Grove Mills

Livestream on Facebook at 10:45am at Zoom Webinar: Webinar ID 961 5252 0889; Webinar Password 725815 Or this link will open up the webinar:

The New Centerville Lutheran Parish and the Lavansville-Bakersville Lutheran Parish,

These parishes are collaborating on our digital worship efforts. We have made this worship available through the following. Facebook @newcentervillelutheran @lavansvillebakersville.lutheranparish Websites

St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Martinsburg

Sunday: 10:30 AM Service of the Word with (Recorded) Music on Facebook

11:15 (or immediately following Service of the Word) Zoom Music & Fellowship Monday: Recorded Hymn Devotions at 9AM & 9PM Facebook Tuesday-Friday: Live Morning Prayer @ 9AM Facebook Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: Live Night Prayer @ 9PM Facebook Wednesday: Live Holden Evening Prayer @ 7PM Facebook

St Luke's Lutheran Church, Roaring Spring Live Sunday at 9:45am on Facebook Morning Prayer - Tuesday’s at 9:00am on Facebook Evening Prayer - Wednesday’s at 7:00pm on Facebook Kid’s Lunchtime Lesson - Thursday’s at Noon. on Facebook Night Prayer - Thursday’s at 9:00 pm on Facebook

First Lutheran, Portage

Online worship on Facebook at 9:00 am

First Faith Lutheran Cooperative

Livestream worship Sunday morning at 10:00 am on First Faith Lutheran Cooperative Facebook page.

Wednesday Story Time, 9:00 pm, First Faith Lutheran Cooperative Facebook Page

Grace Lutheran, State College

Sunday worship via Zoom at 8:00 am on the website ( or Facebook page.

Wednesday lectionary Bible study podcast, Pocketful of Grace" available each Wednesday at 8:00 am on the website.

Sunday worship radio broadcast, 10:30 am on WRSC am 1390 and 93.3 FM

Bethany Lutheran, Altoona

Online worship via Facebook Live at 9:00 am

In-person worship at 9:00 am

Christ Trinity Lutheran Parish

Laurel Trinity, Jennerstown and Christ Casebeer, Somerset

In-person worship begins Sunday, June 21, outside,

Worship will begin at 9:30 am. We will switch back and forth between the churches on a bi-weekly basis (21 &28 at LT, 5 & 12 at CB, 19 & 26 at LT, etc...) for the foreseeable future.

Here are other ways people can tune in:

FM radio in the parking lot

Online through Zoom. The link can be found on our webpage or through Zoom app (Meeting ID 6125606500 Password: 471947)

Worship at Home: A letter we mail out to those who request a take-home edition of worship.





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(814) 942-1042

916 Hickory St.

Hollidaysburg, PA 16648, USA

Office Hours:

Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

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