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Congregation news and updates

Farewell for the Bishop

The Allegheny Synod Council has planned a drop-in farewell for Bishop Paula for Sunday, October 6 from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm at Evangelical Lutheran in Duncansville. All are welcome. Light refreshments will be served.


Vital Congregations Training to be held at ULS

See the promotional flier below for more information and how to register.

Lutheran Men in Mission

The Lutheran Men in Mission Summer Ambassador Gram is below. Please share with your congregation.

Terry Koch named to LAMPa Policy Council.

Choices and Voices for Peace letter still open for sign on In a statement signed by more than 330 religious leaders, representing more than 3 million Pennsylvanians, they called on their communities and all Pennsylvanians to prioritize understanding over assumptions and commit to truthfulness, recognizing the real harm caused by misinformation. They called on people of faith across the Commonwealth to commit to courageous peacebuilding and to sign on in support of the statement.

Estate Planning Information from the ELCA Foundation

Now is the perfect time to reflect on your estate plans. The ELCA Foundation offers several helpful resources to guide you through every stage of the estate planning process. Here are some of the ELCA Foundation favorites:

+ Save time and set yourself up for estate planning success with “Estate Planning Starters.”

+ Get a handle on your estate plan with “Estate Planning You Can Do at Home.”

+ Learn what goes into a will — and who should be involved — with “A Guide to Making Your Will.”

+ Write your will at any time with Giving Docs, our online will-writing tool. Free, secure access is yours for life.


Strategy Towards Authentic Diversity Gants

Since its inception, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has grappled with the profound challenge of achieving authentic racial diversity. This struggle, deeply rooted in our history, has led to a church membership that currently represents less than 10% of People of Color. In 2016, a resolution was presented to the Churchwide Assembly to create a task force to develop recommendations to assist the church in increasing more diverse representation.


The task force, composed entirely of people of color and those whose primary language is other than English, listened to the experiences of communities historically underrepresented within the ELCA and society. Mindful of working constructively with white allies within the church, the European Descent Lutheran Association for Racial Justice (EDLARJ), now known as the Association of White Lutherans for Racial Justice, worked alongside the task force as allies. Working in partnership with the staff of the Churchwide Organization, the task force developed a series of recommendations and actions to engage the whole church in removing inequitable barriers, recognizing the diversity already within this church, the importance of leadership development, the woundedness of racism, greater accountability of policies, programs funding, and governance to ELCA People of Color. The document, How Strategic and Authentic is Our Diversity: A Call for Confession, Reflection, and Healing Action (STAD), was adopted by the fifteenth triennial Churchwide Assembly on August 9, 2019, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  To view the document, visit: Strategy_Toward_Authentic_Diversity.pdf (


The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is pleased to announce the Strategy Towards Authentic Diversity Mini-Grants. $33,000 has been allocated to support diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives across the ELCA.  Faithfulness to the Biblical mandate to proclaim the Gospel requires fostering actions that promote equity, fairness, and justice across all three expressions of the ELCA and society. 

Grant-funded projects, activities, programs, events, and plans must relate to an area of focus named in the STAD: Theological Education, Leadership Development, Partnerships with Ecumenical and interreligious partners, Healing Actions from racism and other forms of oppression, Antiracism education, and Structural Accountability through policy and/or programs focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  


Mini grants are seed grants designed to launch and support new or existing projects, policies, and events that promote or relate to the Strategy Towards Authentic Diversity themes.  Individuals, associations, congregations, synods, and organizations affiliated with the ELCA are eligible to apply. Mini grants in the requested amount of $500-2,500. The total funding disbursement amount is $33,000, and the average grant funding amount will be $800.


 Individuals, associations, congregations, synods, and organizations affiliated with the ELCA are eligible to apply.

When Registration Opens:

September 3rd, 2024

Closed Date

November 1st, 2024


Funding decisions will be made through the STAD Advisory Committee. Funding will be announced on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, the National Day of Racial Healing. 



Initiated by the Kellog Foundation,  Tuesday, January 21, 2025, has been chosen as a momentous National Day of Racial Healing, Truth Telling, and Transformation. This day, launched in 2017, is not just a date on the calendar but a powerful opportunity to unite ALL people in their common humanity and inspire collective action in institutions and communities to create a more just and equitable world.   The ELCA is proud to host an educational day that will elevate the Strategy Towards Authentic Diversity themes. This day is a crucial time to reflect on our shared values and create the blueprint for #HowWeHeal from the effects of racism.   The ELCA educational day will center the voices of leaders of color and provide a platform to call the ELCA to remember its commitment to building an authentic and diverse church.   This online interactive free educational event will become a reality thanks to the Strategy Towards Authentic Advisory Committee,  Mission Development Fund grant, and partnership with 1517 Media.  Stay tuned for additional announcements and the lineup of speakers.


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