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Congregation Updates and News


Ted Williams has been called to serve Ferguson Township Lutheran Ministries (Gatesburg and Pine Hall). His ordination will be held on Saturday, May 11 at 10:00 am at Trinity Lutheran Church, Altoona. Clergy are invited to vest and process. The color of the day is red.


This will be the second year that you can adopt the Full-Time, Part-Time, and Seasonal Staff at Sequanota. Last year we ran this as a trial to see how it would go over and it was received very well, a few issues but we are working on those concerns.

Who can participate? Churches, individual church members, friends of staff, prior camp staff

When can you give? One week during the camp season. Here are the weeks of camp were donations are needed:

  • Training Week: May 18-19 (Small Staff discuss with Michele if you are interested in this week)

  • Training Week: May 28-June 7

  • Week 1: June 10-June 14

  • Week 2: June 20-June 23

  • Week 3: June 23-June 28

  • Week 4: June 30-July 3

  • Week 5: July 7-July 12

  • Week 6: July 14-19

  • Week 7: July 21-26

  • Week 8: July 28-August 2

How and What do I donate? Items can be delivered to camp on Saturday or Sunday (prior to noon) of the week you sign up for, take the items to the Dining Hall. Please include on your donations who the donation is from. Example: Training Week: May 18-19, St. John's Lutheran Church Millheim, PA or Michele Peese, Aaronsburg, PA Synod Council Representative. Looking for snack foods, drinks, motivational cards, notes; individual bags of all items would be best so that it is easier to distribute to all staff (we will have a final headcount when staffing is finalized). When putting together your donations keep in mind food allergies at camp throughout the week. With allergies we recommend staying away from any sort of nuts, keeping in mind VEGAN options, Gluten Free Products, as well as Yeast Allergies. I will share more as we find out what types of allergies are amongst the staff as a whole. If you would like to send mail to the staff, and not food donations, that is also an option. We can be creative in how we show our appreciation to all of the staff at camp.

Questions about Adopt The Staff can be directed to Michele Peese at 814-470-5511. If you are interested in helping out in any of the weeks above, please reach out by the end of April so we can see where we are in need of weekly volunteers. If you are interested in donating but don't have a way to deliver to camp, I am happy to work with you to get your items dropped off.


Hearing on ELCA Social Statement: CIVIC LIFE AND FAITH 

Friday, June 14, 2024 at 5 p.m. (before Synod Assembly Opening Worship)

Zion Lutheran Church, Hollidaysburg

A light meal will be provided

Have you ever wondered what it means for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of American to be “embedded” and active in your community, our nation, and the world?

In the midst of divisions within our current society, have you ever thought about how the church might act to mend its torn social fabric and reconcile divided peoples?

Together with others who have those questions or might want to know more about how the ELCA is pondering our role within your community, the nation, and the world, you are invited to this hearing.

The hearing will give you the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft statement to share your specific affirmations or concerns. Further, you are invited to learn about how others reflect on the draft Civic Life and Faith Social Statement, which when completed, will impact the teaching and policies of the ELCA in the face of contemporary social issues.

A copy of the draft Civic Life and Faith Social Statement is attached and is available at:, where if you are unable to attend the hearing, you can provide feedback. 

Please feel welcome to join the conversation.


LEARNING OPPORTUNITY: What Can Islam Teach Us about Death and Dying?

Death is universal. Yet, the beliefs, responses, and rituals around this shared human experience, influenced by religion and culture, vary widely. In this minicourse, we will examine Muslim views and responses related to death. How can Muslim perspectives contribute to our understanding and facilitate a better engagement in facing human mortality?

Thursdays May 2, 9, and 16, 7:00–8:30 PM ET, via Zoom with Zeyneb Sayilgan, Ph.D., ICJS Muslim scholar. For more information and to register, click here: Muslim Perspectives on Death and Dying - ICJS 



Below is a picture of a funeral pall made by Marna Gilman-Fischer. If your congregation is interested in having one made, the cost is $120, the size is 24” x 24” and you can be in contact with Pastor Mark Fischer to place an order.

Tend Festival Announced Share in intentional time of faith discussions, good music, art, worship, ecology, and fellowship at Camp Sequanota. This event will have an open schedule allowing participants the freedom to pick what is right for them. It will include options for multiple workshops, open recreation & hiking, and time to relax and refresh yourself and your family. For more information and to register, click here: Tend Festival (



You are invited to a special Lutheran Disaster Response leadership training camp at Crisfield Maryland on September 4-6, 2024. At this training you will join a small group of folks to dive deep into what long term recovery is, and why we do it both from a spiritual and practical perspective. Our baptismal promises call us to serve all people. Because disasters leave many worse off than they were before disasters, this is a place as Christians, where we should be. Furthermore, Lutheran Disaster Response is one of only a few organizations that do this type of work and we are working to build our capacity to help meet needs as our communities face new challenges…from tornado activity, to flash floods, to poor air quality from fires hundreds of miles away.

Accommodations for the training will be at Camp Kairos, a traditional volunteer camp of the Eastern Shore Long Term Recovery Committee. All camp expenses are being covered, except travel to the event, and hotel accommodations should you wish to stay at the local hotel instead of the Camp Kairos Sponsorships are available to those who may need financial assistance in order to attend the event. For more information or to register for this event, please contact Rev. Glenn Beard, Jr., or Julia Frank,



At the March Synod Council meeting members heard a proposal about moving the Allegheny Synod Offices to The Lutheran Home in Hollidaysburg. This topic has been discussed for several months as we seek to be good stewards of the resources we receive for the ministry we do in this Synod. The Synod Council voted unanimously for the office to be moved AFTER ASSEMBLY. We will maintain our phone number and e-mails in this move. We will have a somewhat smaller office space, but we will have access to two conference rooms and other spaces for meetings. The cost savings would be roughly $6,500/year to make this move. We do not yet have a move date as we are preparing for Assembly and know that we will have a significant amount of paring down of files and furniture and other items in the current office. We will make periodic announcements about the move in the coming months.



The Nomination Form for Synod Assembly can be found on the Allegheny Synod website in the Synod Assembly tab. Please encourage people to consider serving outside the congregation.



You are invited to a special Lutheran Disaster Response leadership training camp at Crisfield Maryland on September 4-6, 2024. At this training you will join a small group of folks to dive deep into what long term recovery is, and why we do it both from a spiritual and practical perspective. Our baptismal promises call us to serve all people. Because disasters leave many worse off than they were before disasters, this is a place as Christians, where we should be. Furthermore, Lutheran Disaster Response is one of only a few organizations that do this type of work and we are working to build our capacity to help meet needs as our communities face new challenges…from tornado activity, to flash floods, to poor air quality from fires hundreds of miles away.

Accommodations for the training will be at Camp Kairos, a traditional volunteer camp of the Eastern Shore Long Term Recovery Committee. All camp expenses are being covered, except travel to the event, and hotel accommodations should you wish to stay at the local hotel instead of the Camp Kairos Sponsorships are available to those who may need financial assistance in order to attend the event. For more information or to register for this event, please contact Rev. Glenn Beard, Jr., or Julia Frank,



This link:  takes you to our first promotional video for the Go Tell It IN The Mountains initiative. Please watch it and share it with your congregations. Another promotional video along with an interest survey will come your way soon.









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(814) 942-1042

916 Hickory St.

Hollidaysburg, PA 16648, USA

Office Hours:

Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

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